Saturday, August 2, 2008

OK- so I joined a virtual convention that has created the increased push to get a camera working with the computer that I have (my nice computer died in November and I have a dinosaur for now)... SO after a few days of struggling with this issue, I *finally* have some pictures to share!!

The first is a little album (though mine will be used as a thank-you card with no pictures). You can put a stick in the spice and place it into a floral arrangement or the like. It is a fun little project that I'll have to do again sometime!

The second project fulfilled a thought that I had for a friend. Her daughter is having her first child and Dianne is SOO excited (and who wouldn't be). When baby Sienna arrives, it would be awesome for them to have a little portable album to show off Sienna in all of her adorableness (and she WILL be adorable, mommy is such a cutie!).

:-) Now that the proverbial dam has been broken, I am hoping to post MANY more projects here in the near future.

By the way, if you believe in prayer, I could use some right now. I am in the process of trying to get a position in a school setting as a mental health counselor. I believe that this is what God is calling me to do and I believe that it would also answer MANY prayers that I have regarding my time, my ability to be with friends, family, and hobbies to relax. I will keep y'all "posted" about how this turns out, but I have had one interview and have a second (with another company) Monday.
Take care, y'all and KEEP CRAFTING!!!