Sunday, February 19, 2012

My project of the past year... Part 2

In my defense...  This WAS written within a week of the last posting...  But I apparently saved it instead of POSTING it...  Lesson learned  :-)  Not that I believe that ANYONE was on the edge of their seat awaiting this post...  So here you are...  Your reward for your patience  :-)

Now that all of the demolition was done and some basic fixes completed...  It was time to start putting the room back together - YAY!!!  With the help of several guys - Kenny (and Kyan), Ryan, Kevin, and Bobby- and the rental of a drywall lift, all of the ceiling was installed over the course of 2 separate days (2 weekends- in the middle of which is when Nana fell again - another long story)...  This was the new ceiling in its first rendition (and don't you just LOVE my sheet "curtain" to protect my kitchen from too much ick getting through):

After the guys helped me to get the drywall up, it was my time to have a little fun mudding and smoothing it out to make it a workable ceiling...  With the help of a nice long bench lent to me by a friend's uncle (you can see the bench in the pic above - HIGHLY recommend one if you have any work to do on a ceiling - SO much easier!!)  SO, after several hours of mudding, sanding, and repeating, this was the next series of pics (and yes, the sheet curtain became a tarp for this portion of the project):

I do just have to say here that when you have a high degree of stress in your life, this process can be strangely comforting and soothing.  I may have to keep this in mind later in life  :-)
Then came the prime coat... The main room was primed just in white...  Had to take the pic half way through the first prime coat, or I would have had no sunlight to use for it  :-)
The small bar room (it's only a 6.6 feet by 8 feet room) was primed in grey because I had a SPECIAL idea in mind here...
Then, with the threat of having to get this all finished YESTERDAY because it was looking like I would have to clean out Nana's apartment and move her into supported living...  I got a VERY special visit from 2 dear friends - who actually live in Chicago and had just closed the campground that Jim and his wife own about 5 hours away from me...  Jim and Mike traveled down in the middle of the week to help me get the flooring installed- baseboards and all- and to get as much painting done as humanly possible all in the course of less than 2 days...  Here are the action shots:

And one more with a teaser of the flooring and the color of the bar  :-)  Then you'll have to wait until next week for the grand reveal - the finished room!!!  :-)  SO, here's my teaser...
Next week I'll post the finished room pics... See you then!

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